With reams of Scientific research to back you, do you need or care to……

Better control stress, anxiety and depression - with relief similar to that of antidepressants, yet with NO negative side effects?

Improve your sleep patterns?

Reduce the occurrence, duration and intensity of panic attacks or obsessive compulsive behaviors?

Feel and actually BE happier?

Lower your blood pressure?

Improve your memory, productivity and executive functioning?

Lower your risk of heart attack or stroke?

Actually INFLUENCE the growth of your brain cells…..DECREASING the size of your amygdala (the primitive, ‘fear’ center of your brain) and INCREASING your left pre-frontal cortex (the happy. calm zone of your brain)?

Actually INFLUENCE and PROMOTE the repair of your own cells’ DNA and slow the aging process ? (by increasing telomerase activity, the ‘immortality enzyme’ that repairs telomeres at the end of our chromosomes. Shortened frayed telomeres are associated with aging and cancer. We can influence the production of that ‘immortality enzyme', telomerase, by +43%!….thereby repairing damaged DNA)

Better manage your sensitivity to chronic or acute pain??

Become a ‘mindful’ eater, disengaging from any over eating or emotional eating?

Better manage your ‘relationship’ (aka thinking/thought patterns associated) with any illness or physical limitation or condition?

Increase your awareness, both internally (“self” awareness) and externally (awareness of others, and all that around you)?

Decrease any senses of loneliness or isolation if you’re an older adult?

Be in better control of your thought processes, habits, or emotions?

Improve your grades/test/examination performance and scores?

…..all the while experiencing ever increasing levels of relaxation and calm??

Then ‘simply’ (ha!) adopt an ongoing meditation practice!

Easier said than done????

Then come to our various meditation practices, and/or Sound Baths (every person’s" “‘expressway” to a meditative state??).

We’ll not only guide your meditation practices, but help you understand ‘what’ mediation REALLY is, (and what it’s NOT) to get you well on your way to becoming a lifelong, seasoned, habitual meditator, reaping ALL of those benefits above, AND more.