
Q:What experience do I need?

None. Please be mindful, however, as always when embarking upon any new form of exercise, of your own levels of health and wellness, and any limitations or injuries, and have sought Dr. okay as necessary for you.

Q: What do I wear?

NO SLEEVELESS tops, loose, baggy or flowing tops or shorts please! Those loose and flowing tops, and shorts, will wind up NOT where you want or need them, and otherwise in your way, as soon as you suspend upside down! Sleeveless tops and/or merely Sports bras expose the fabrics to deodorant and anti-perspirant, and both degrade the fabrics, rapidly, mandating premature replacement, and thus increases in costs/class fees.

Yoga leggings, either capri or full length, and sweats/compression leggings beneath shorts for our male aerialists, recommended

Please help us keep costs down by wearing SLEEVED tops therefore. NO JEWELLRY please - for the same reasons - snags and tears in the fabric from prongs/sharp points on jewelry mandate the premature replacement of fabrics

Q: How long is a class?

75 minutes - including the time necessary for measuring the fabrics up to each individual student.

Q: I’ve heard that nausea or lightheadedness can occur when first practicing inversions (being ‘upside down’)???

It is not uncommon for either or both to occur, particularly in the first few practices, as the body, and mind, get accustomed to being upside down. Generally, it does not take long for the body and mind to seemingly adjust to the new ‘norms’ of inverting, and then send messages differently, rendering both sensations into the past tense. We have ginger chews available, which tend to help with any initial sensations of nausea that might occur. Light-headness is generally prevented and/or corrected by S L O W L Y returning to ‘upright’ after any inversion, and as always, slowly, deeply and rhythmically breathing,

Q: What’s this I’ve heard about bruising ???

Once again - as the body adjusts to the rather new sensations of the body’s weight being held by the fabrics, at various different parts and points of the body, bruising might occur; again, particularly in the first few practices. In general, Aerialists tend to view these rather as ‘badges of honor’ and smile knowingly at such when seen in the mirror, as evidence of new challenges accepted and leaned into. Once again, these typically tend to not occur after the first few sessions, as the body adjusts to these new ‘norms’.

Q: May I book for a private party, Corporate practice or event, or celebration?

Absolutely - simply contact Christine directly.

Q: May my child join me for a class?

Children in early teens MIGHT be able to join you - depending on the individual child’s maturity, attention span and ability to receive and follow verbal instruction. You MUST have taken a class yourself, to know what it is that you are asking your child to do, AND have discussed such with Christine, prior to registering for any child. If your child is permitted to join class, it is REQUIRED that you take their first class along with them and ALWAYS preferred that you take ALL classes along with them. You MUST remain in studio during their class. The studio reserves the right to recommend any child NOT continue classes if it is deemed NOT a good fit for either the child themselves or the rest of the students taking class along with them.

Scheduling a private session with you and you child might possibly then be an alternative.

Q: I’m running late - can I still take my class??

Sorry - no - the nature of classes require that classes start on time, and all students be present at the start.

Q: Must I practice in front of a mirror?

Not at all. A mirror free zone exists for those wishing not to practice in front of any mirror.

Q: What is your cancellation policy?

Owing to the relatively small number of students able to partake in any particular class, we have a 24 hour cancellation policy. A waitlist exists for any class however, so we encourage you to cancel your reservation, even if within this 24 hour window, should your availablilty change.. Should a waitlisted student be able to take your cancelled spot, we’ll refund your class credit to your account.


Q: What experience do I need?

None. Please be mindful, however, as always when embarking upon any new form of exercise, of your own levels of health and wellness, and any limitations or injuries, and have sought Dr. okay as necessary for you.

Q: What do I wear?

Light layers are best, and comfortable clothing allowing for the unrestricted movement of the body, which will at some points have various body parts upside down!

Q: How long is each class?

60 minutes

Q: Must I bring my own yoga mat, blocks, blanket and strap?

Covid, flu and RSV remain endemic and thus brining your own IS preferred and recommended. Such is available at the studio however, for a $3 usage fee per class.

Q: I’m NOT AT ALL flexible, can I ‘do’ yoga???

Q: Can my child join me?


Q: I just cannot get my mind to ‘stop’. Can I REALLY learn to meditate?

Q: What type of meditation practices do you offer?

Q: Can my child join me?
