Aerial Yoga

Suspended from a single point swivel overhead, and augmenting all of the many Benefits of Yoga, your aerial yoga and/or dance practices;

1. Invite the building of additional remarkable all-body strength, especially in the upper body and core

2. Support ever growing balance, poise, flexibility and joint range of motion and mobility,

3. Provide the physical benefits and skeletal/muscular relief of suspending counter gravity from the hips ,shouders or knees, thereby naturally decompressing muscles, joints and spine

4. Support any level of developing inversion practice in one’s ‘grounded’ yoga practice

5. …..with the added joy, fun, grace, beauty and empowerment of being supported in the air.

Beginner’s, Gentle flow, Vigorous Vinyasa/Power and Community (donation based) all levels yoga.

A Few of the many Benefits of Yoga:


1. Increased muscle strength and tone

2. Improved balance, joint mobility and range of motion

3. Promotes weight loss and muscle gain

4. Falling in love with the miracle that is the physical body that carries you each and every day

5. Deep relaxation and tension release

6. Improved breathing


1. Relieves chronic stress patterns

2. Increases mental clarity and calmness

3. Sharpens concentration

4. Quiets the ceaselessly ‘chattering mind’

5. Helps relieve and manage anxiety and depression

6. Improves sleep


Somehow, in the midst of the mindful movement of the body, informed as that is by the mindful passage of our breath, we begin to hear and listen to the whispers of our Soul. And something shifts………..We begin to reconnect to who we already truly, innately, are.

Yoga Studio



To paraphrase veteran psychoacoustic researcher and practitioner Tom Kenyan;

It is physiologically impossible for the human body to be in an anxious or stressed state when the brain is in alpha or theta brainwave".”

The immersive therapeutic sound bath coaxes our often all-too busy and endlessly chattering mind into these alpha and theta brainwave states. It is here that restoration, healing and even flashes of insight, inspiration, creativity or intuition might occur.

Regardless of any prior meditation experience, the many different fundamental notes and overtones of brass gongs, brass and crystal singing bowls invite the mind and body into deep states of relaxation and calm.


In the 5,000 year old tradition that is Yoga, just ONE of the Sage (or possible amalgam of sages) Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga pertain to asanas, or the ‘postures’ popularly thought of as “yoga’ here in the West. In contrast, Meditation, takes up three of those 8 limbs:
~ Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses

~ Dharana - intense concentration

~ Dhyana - State of meditation

When these three limbs are preceded, in preparation, by the guidance that is the Yamas (social contracts - how we behave in society), the Niyamas (personal contracts - how we conduct ourselves), and Asanas, these three levels of mediation are believed to lead us to the final limb - the State of Oneness, or Bliss; Samadhi.

Our meditation practices include:

~ Mindfulness meditations;

Such as Breath awareness, listening meditation or sound healing, eating meditation, walking meditation, aromatherapy meditation, loving kindness and gratitude meditation

~ Mantra meditation

~ Guided visualization

~Chakra Meditation

~ Yoga Nidra

~ SoundBaths

Discover a practice that makes you




S · P · A · C · I · O · U · S

Make space for yourself