Level 1: Beginner

For the absolute beginner, developing novice, or anytime you feel like a slower, more mellow Aerial Yoga flow. Designed to develop increasing strength, confidence and flexibility. In addition, each student will develop increasing familiarity in working with the Aerial fabric and develop their skillset, comfortably getting in and out of the fabric, and inverting.

These 75 minute classes include time for measuring up the fabrics for each student, demonstrating and spotting postures, and will include fewer individual poses or challenges than subsequent Aerial Yoga levels. Poses may vary at each class and transitions between them will be slower.

Inversions and other challenging poses are demonstrated first, then individual ‘spotting’ offered. Confidence and familiarity is permitted to develop at your own pace. Optional Level 2 moves may be offered also when attending students are of Level 2 experience

Stay at this level for as long and often as you wish, and drop back into it anytime you feel you need a refresher, or more sanguine practice. There is NO set program or time for each individual to ‘graduate’ to any subsequent level, although generally 2-4 sessions here at Level 1 are generally required before moving up to Aerial Level 2.

Aerial Yoga Level 2

For students comfortable getting in and out of the fabric, and beginner level inversions.

Additional poses with increasing physical challenges are added, the pace quickened, with a more fluid transitioning between poses.

More spinning and swaying may be offered (optional, never obligatory; this is STILL Yoga….all about YOU and YOUR body, right here, right now, in THAT very moment), with possible additional fabric wrapping (think ‘fascial massage’, much like foam rolling) as the physical body and mind become far more familiar, ‘normalised’ to, and comfortable with such.

Over time, an ever extending repertoire of aerial poses and movement is added, demanding and building yet more grip, core and overall physical body strength, flexibility, grace and endurance.

Your own developing skillset, strength, confidence and comfort level will determine when/if you may be ready or wish to venture into Aerial Dance.

All you need is faith and trust….And a little bit of pixie dust”

~ Peter Pan 🧚‍♂️

Aerial ‘Nap’ or Savasana

Every Aerial Yoga class begins with a quiet meditative opening, and ends in an Aerial Savasana, in which we allow our practice to integrate into our Being, whilst slowly transitioning into the rest of our day.

Additional Aerial Nap fabrics are suspended and available at every Aerial class. You’ve reserved your class, had an absolutely nutty day and barely the energy to make it to the Studio? Come anyway - do what you can and then simply head to the multi colored fabrics, pop in our supplied earplugs, or your own earbuds and music, and simply 'rest and restore’. No permission required. This Studio and its offerings exist entirely for you, YOUR Body, Your Mind, Your Soul. Tune in. Listen, and honor each call of YOUR body, mind and soul.

Full 60minute “Aerial Naps/Savasanas” will also be scheduled as an entirely stand alone class.

Aerial Dance

Developing on from Aerial Yoga Level 2, Aerial Dance turns the Aerial fabric into our dance partner, and practice turns on the music of the likes of Pink, Madonna, Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga, Sia, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Sam Smith, Faouzzia, Billie Eilish, Keisha et al

FAQ and Pre-requisites?

  • Neither Yoga nor Aerial experience is required in beginning your Aerial journey with us. Please come mindfully aware of your own personal health and wellness, and honor, always, your physical, mental, emotional and psychological space.

  • Short or long sleeved tops and capri length or long bottoms.

  • NO SLEEVELESS tops please (deodorant and anti-perspirant degrades the fabric) or SHORTS please (for your own comfort)

  • You will invert (suspend upside down) in the fabric, thus avoid loose fitting tops - they will end up covering only your face!

  • Grippy socks required - feel free to bring your own or purchase at the Studio.

  • Lightheadedness or slight sensations of nausea may be experienced in the first few classes as the body and mind become acclimated to inverting. This is normal, and best avoided by ensuring one has eaten lightly about an hour prior, and is hydrated. Arriving to your morning class with only your coffee in your belly will not a settled belly make :)

  • NO facial foundation PLEASE.

    (1) You are absolutely beautiful, and perfectly imperfect, just as you are!

    (2) You truly don’t want for all of that foundation to enter and clog your facial pores during any exercise program and

    (3) it stains the aerial fabrics horribly and irreversibly! Thank you, in advance :)

  • CANCELLATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED GREATER THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR RESERVED CLASS in order that your class pass be refunded to you. Class sizes are limited and your reservation may have precluded another’s participation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation :)

Please see the FAQ tab at the top of this page for additional popular questions.
